Charsadda Postal Codes Complete List Charsadda

Charsadda Postal Codes Complete List is given here. Postal code of every city is different from other cities. Because postal codes shows identity of city, post office receives and sends postal according to these postal codes. These codes include 24550 for abazai charsadda NWFP, 24610 for AMBA charsadda NWFP, 24420 for charshadda GPO NFP, 24502 for AMIRABAD charsadda NWFP, 24650 ghalnai charsadda NWFP, and 24520 for HARI chand charsadda NWFP. Charsadda is town and headquarter of district Charsadda of KPK Pakistan. Charsada is a well-known city of province kpk for its local weather, exports, dry fruits, local culture and for its traditions.

The list of the Charsadda of the Postal code and the zip code and the other codes and the information and the population and the districts and the villages information and the lists are mentioned and the available on the page and the site. If any person wants to get the code of the postal and the zip code and the other information about the Charsadda and the around cities and the towns that kind of the person visit the page and the site continuously.

The Charsadda is the main city and the thousand of the population lived in this city but some villages and the small towns are attached with this city because the small towns and the villages have not any identification in the upper level cities that’s why they only identify with the name of the Charsadda. The postal code of the Charsadda is mentioned on the page and the site. If any person wants to get the postal code of the Charsadda for send some Parcel and the Post card and the Post letter they click the link of the page and get the postal code of the Charsadda.

The postal code is basically the 5 digit number of the code that having the unique as compare to the other cities. The postal code identify that the city is recognized and the approved by the government of the Pakistan.

In the application form and the admission form and the scholarship form and the job form and the visa form and the other information form or applying form take the code of the postal address because after applying all the form the university and the college and the school and the office and the other sectors send the appointment letters and the admission result and the roll number slip and the other documents with the help of the postal code.

In the foreign countries mostly students are trying to get admission in the foreign universities but all the foreign universities demand that the postal code is written in the application form because they send the approved letter of the university to the students.

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