Why I Love Pakistan Essay For 9th & 10th Class

Pakistan is our country and we live here. There was a question that was raised in my mind that is why I love Pakistan? I think much about it and I decided that I should love my country. It is not only the land where I live along with my friends and family members although it is the blessing of God and the result of hard work of millions people who killed in eighteen century to get this land. Pakistan gave us an identity as citizen of independent Islamic state. The primary object of creating Pakistan was to secure a separate territory. It was because Muslim were not allowed to worship freely so Muslims decided to have separate country where they could spend their live according to Islam and teaching of Holy Quran and Sunnah. It is the focal point of Muslim countries.

Firstly I love Pakistan for its ideology. Perhaps this is the only country which came into being on the basis of ideology. The ideology of Pakistan is Islam. Islam gives each one of its followers each right. No one is superior to other on the basis of wealth and power. The constitution of Pakistan gives equal rights to every person living in this country. Justice, fair play equality are its keys. Unfortunately our rulers have always violated these principles of Islam. However, I hope that there will be the rule of these principles one day.

Secondly, I love my country for its beautiful scenery and fertile fields. There are such beautiful and charming places as Murree Hills, swat valley and lake Suf-ul-Malook. It is the land of fast flowing rivers, murmuring streams and high mountains. It is the land of long standing culture.

Thirdly, I love Pakistan for its people. The people of Pakistan are simple, straight forwards and loyal. They are not clever and shrewd like the people countries. It has given birth great scholars, poets, players and artists. It is the land of Iqbal which was the greatest poet of the world. It is the land of Muhammad Ali Jinnah who was the great man.

Finally I love my country because of the richness of its nature resources. Oil, natural gas, marble coal and many kind of minerals exists here. Its villages are symbols of simplicity and cleanliness. Its cities shine with a beauty of Universities, hospitals, railways, shopping plazas and factories. Pakistan is a great country in the world. I too want to see Pakistan a prosperous country of the world.

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